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January 20, 2025

NACEX and Hexagon Cup: Together we deliver the padel revolution

By the Hexagon Cup team

NACEX,Logista's express courier company, has renewed its partnership agreement withus for a new season.  According to theagreement, based on common values such as the spirit of self-improvement,teamwork and perseverance, NACEX will be the official courier supplier for thesecond edition to be held at the Madrid Arena from 29 January to 2 February2025.

‘After lastyear's great success, we are convinced that the Hexagon Cup is moving steadilytowards its consolidation. They are doing a commendable job taking padel to thenext level and, most importantly, always based on healthy competition andeffort, values with which NACEX is completely aligned and which are the basisof our collaboration,’ explains Arianne Muñoz, Marketing Director at NACEX.

AstridThams, Commercial Managing Director of Hexagon Cup adds: ‘We are very excitedto sign this agreement with NACEX. We want padel to reach all corners of theworld and they are the courier of reference. We have many objectives in commonand that is why we are delighted that they have become involved in this way inthe success of the Hexagon Cup.

About NACEX-    

NACEX,which offers a wide range of services, is part of Logista, Europe's leadingdistributor of products and services to retailers.   

NACEX has afleet of more than 2,600 vehicles and more than 4,000 collaborators, as well asa network of 33 platforms, more than 300 franchises in Spain, Portugal andAndorra, and more than 4,300 points in Spain and Portugal.   

AboutLogista - 

Logista isone of the largest logistics operators in Europe and specialises indistribution to proximity channels. It regularly serves nearly 200,000 pointsof sale in Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, the Netherlands, Belgium and Polandand provides the best and fastest market access to a wide range of convenienceproducts, pharmaceuticals, electronic recharging, books, publications, tobaccoand lotteries, among others. It also stands out for being the largest transportnetwork in Spain, which is also certified in food safety.     

Logista hasa team of highly qualified professionals made up of more than 7,600 directemployees and a large number of collaborators, such as Nacex franchisees,Logista Parcel delegates, drivers, etc. Employees and collaborators all workfocused on serving their customers in the most efficient way and adapted totheir needs.