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HEXAGON PADEL OPERATIONS, S.L.U. a company incorporated under the laws of Spain, with registered office at Calle Aragonito 15, 28023 Madrid (‘HEXAGON OPERATIONS’), and the applicant (‘Player’).


HEXAGON OPERATIONS is the exclusive licensee of all commercial rights derived from the organisation, promotion and exploitation of the paddle tennis sport event called HEXAGON CUP (‘HEXAGON CUP’ or ‘Event’).‍

HEXAGON OPERATIONS is interested in Player's participation, and Player is interested in Player's participation, as a player in the HEXAGON CUP in the manner and under the conditions described below.

Accordingly, the Parties have agreed to enter into this HEXAGON CUP TEAM PLAYER CANDIDATIVE AGREEMENT (the ‘Agreement’).


This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of signature by the Parties and shall continue in effect, unless terminated earlier, until 30 days after the last Event held in the year 2026, covering a total of three (3) HEXAGON CUP seasons.

The Agreement shall terminate if the eligible Player is not selected by a Team by 31 January 2025 or, having been selected, ceases to be a player of a Team at any time during the term of the Agreement.



The HEXAGON CUP is an exhibition paddle tennis event, the first edition of which will take place in the city of Madrid, Spain from 29 January to 2 February 2025, and annually thereafter on dates to be published in due course.

HEXAGON OPERATIONS may organise other promotional sporting events adjacent to the HEXAGON CUP on dates other than the calendar dates and subject to the conditions described in this Agreement (‘Promotional Sporting Events’).

Each HEXAGON CUP Event will consist of a team competition with a minimum of six (6) and a maximum of ten (10) teams (‘Team(s)’), each consisting of six (6) players. Each Team has three (3) pairs of players: a male pair, a female pair and a pair of promising young players (‘Next Gen’).

From among the six (6) players on each Team, there will be one male and one female player called franchise players (‘Franchise Player(s)’) who will be selected by each Team with the player's consent prior to the Draft.

The remaining players from each Team will be selected during an official draft conducted by HEXAGON OPERATIONS (‘Draft’) to be held well in advance of each Event as defined in this Agreement.


HEXAGON OPERATIONS will make a cash prize distribution for each Event.

The prize money will be €1,196,000 for the Event to be held in Madrid in 2024 and will be divided between the players (60%) and the Teams (40%).

The total amount to be distributed between the men's and women's categories will be as follows (prize per place for each Player):

- Winner 50.000 Euros

- Runner-up 35.000 Euros

- Third: 22.500 Euros

- Fourth: 20.000 Euros

- Fifth: 17.500 Euros

- Sixth: 15.000 Euros

- Seventh: 10.000 Euros

- Eighth: 7.500 Euros

In the NextGen category, the total amount for each player in this edition will be as follows:

- Winner: 9.000 Euros

- Runner-up: 6.000 Euros

- Third: 3.000 Euros

- Fourth: 2.500 Euros

- Fifth: 2.000 Euros

- Sixth: 2.000 Euros

- Seventh: 1.750 Euros

- Eighth: 1.750 Euros

The total prize money for the players amounts to 766.000 EURO.

This money prize distribution is structured for the January 2025 event with 8 Teams and is guaranteed for the present Agreement.

To these amounts must be added the Event Fee that the Franchise Players will receive for acting as ambassadors of their respective teams.



The purpose of this Agreement is to:

(i) set forth the basic conditions and obligations under which the Player candidate to become a HEXAGON CUP Draft Player and the basic conditions governing his activity as a player if selected;

(ii) set out the basic conditions and obligations under which the Player makes himself available to Teams for possible selection as a Draft Player and the basic conditions governing his activity as a Draft Player, if selected;

Such terms and obligations govern the Player's relationship (i) with respect to his Team and (ii) with respect to HEXAGON OPERATIONS, all without prejudice to (i) the additional agreements that the Player will enter into with the selecting Team and (ii) the regulatory framework set forth in the HEXAGON CUP sports rules (the ‘Sports Rules’), which shall be binding on the selected Player and which shall be made available to Players well in advance of their registration for the Draft.

The rights and obligations described in this Agreement with respect to the selected Player shall prevail over any particular terms and conditions he may enter into with his respective Team and shall form an integral part of such agreements with the Team.




HEXAGON OPERATIONS is committed to:

(i) Registration and selection process in the Draft: HEXAGON OPERATIONS will be responsible for establishing an understandable registration process in the Draft. HEXAGON CUP commits to register the candidate Player in the Draft, once the registration form is completed, and to promote such registration among the different Teams to encourage their selection. HEXAGON OPERATIONS does not, however, guarantee that the Player will be selected by the Team, but will use its best efforts to that end.

(ii) Communication of Sporting Regulations: HEXAGON OPERATIONS shall clearly and timely communicate to the Player and his Team the applicable Sporting Regulations for the Event, including all relevant provisions governing his participation.

(iii) Event Organisation: HEXAGON OPERATIONS undertakes to organise and coordinate the Event in an efficient and professional manner, ensuring compliance with established rules and regulations.

(iv) Provision of adequate facilities: HEXAGON OPERATIONS shall ensure the provision of adequate sports facilities, which comply with the necessary standards and requirements for the development of the competitions, ensuring the safety of the participants.

(v) Provision of relevant information: HEXAGON OPERATIONS shall provide the Player with all relevant information about the Event, including schedules, dates, venue, competition format, prizes and any other information necessary for participation.

(vi) Logistical Assistance: HEXAGON OPERATIONS shall provide the necessary logistical assistance during the Event, including the coordination of schedules, the management of referees, the provision of medical and security services, and any other aspect necessary for the smooth running of the Event. necessary for the smooth running of the Event.

(vii) Fulfilment of prizes: HEXAGON OPERATIONS commits to fulfil the prizes established for the winning Teams and players, in accordance with the established in the Sporting Regulations.

(viii) Compliance with legal and sporting regulations: HEXAGON OPERATIONS undertakes to comply with all legal and sporting regulations applicable to the event, including those related to security, doping, data protection and any other relevant to its correct development.

SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS REGARDING THE PLAYERHEXAGON OPERATIONS undertakes to provide the following services to all Players:(i) Accommodation: to provide the Player with suitable accommodation for the duration of the Event. The accommodation must be of a high standard and meet the necessary standards to ensure the Player's comfort and safety.(ii) Transport: Providing the Player with the necessary means of transport to and from the place of accommodation within the city where the Event takes place to the venue of the Event and back to the place of accommodation.(iii) Medical Insurance: To take out and cover the costs of adequate medical insurance for the Player during his participation in the Event. The medical insurance shall provide cover for any medical eventuality or injury that may occur during the Event.(iv) Hospitality Tickets: to provide the Player with two (2) VIP tickets per day for the Event. These tickets will allow the Player access to exclusive or preferred areas where additional amenities such as food, beverages and a more complete experience during the Event can be enjoyed. In addition, the Player will be provided with a players' area badge and a VIP access badge for their manager.(v) Grandstand Ticket: to provide the Player with a maximum of three (6) grandstand tickets per day for the Event. In addition, the Player may be provided with additional grandstand tickets by his relevant Team.

(vi) Event Venue Services: to provide physiotherapy and catering services.



(i) Draft Entry: The Player agrees, by Entering the Draft, to make himself available to Teams for possible selection as a Player under the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. During the Entry process, he must indicate his name, age, court side preference, present incompatibilities with sponsor categories and sports brand present (for example: inability to play on a Team whose name bears a car brand unless it is x brand) and whether or not it is necessary to include such brand on the Team's equipment.

(ii) Candidate Player public communication: The Player allows HEXAGON OPERATIONS to also communicate through its social networks the list and each of the candidate players.En el caso de convertirse en Jugador Draft seleccionado de alguno de los Equipos, el Jugador se compromete a cumplir los términos y condiciones aplicables a los Jugadores seleccionados, incluyendo los siguientes compromisos:

(iii) Permanency: The Player agrees to remain as a prospective Player on his national team and to participate in Events for a minimum of three (3) years unless some of the conditions for not being able to continue to participate on that Team are met and which will be detailed in the Sporting Regulations but which will be, principally: incompatibility of marks, injury, transfer between Teams, termination of contract with a Team, leaving the sport, leaving a Team, leaving the sport, or leaving the sport.

Teams, termination of contract with a Team, abandoning the practice of the sport, etc.

or be over the age limit (or other conditions) in the case of Next Gen players;

The Player must attend the gala dinner to be held in connection with the Event, autograph signing sessions with fans and watch his Team mates' matches being played (except for major cause/team activation/training commitment).

Compliance with Sporting Rules and Regulations: The Player agrees to comply with all rules, regulations and guidelines established by the relevant sporting authorities and HEXAGON OPERATIONS, as well as the Sporting Regulations;Cooperación con HEXAGON OPERATIONS:
The player agrees to cooperate with HEXAGON OPERATIONS and to participate in promotional activities, press conferences, media interviews, gala dinners, photo shoots or other actions requested for the promotion and diffusion of the Event proposed by HEXAGON OPERATIONS.

(Promotional Sports Events: HEXAGON OPERATIONS or the applicable Team may request the Player to participate in at least two (2) Promotional Sports Events per year if permitted by his other professional commitments and provided that remuneration for participation in such Promotional Events is agreed between HEXAGON OPERATIONS and/or the applicable Team and the Player (such remuneration to be agreed in good faith on the basis of the Player's compensation for similar activities).

Priority: HEXAGON OPERATIONS will have absolute priority for the Player's participation in the Event on those dates outside the official calendar of the main official tournaments of the International Padel Federation.

Social Media: The Player agrees to promote HEXAGON CUP and his Team through his social media channels. This promotion will be carried out in accordance with the following minimums:

one (1) post/ Instagram Story when registering for the Draft (free choice)
one (1) post/ Instagram Story with the launch of the Draft (free choice)
one (1) post/ Instagram Story 1 week before the Draft (free choice)
one (1) post/ Instagram Story on the day of the Draft (free choice)
one (1) post/ Instagram Story in the case of being selected by a Team
one (1) post/ Instagram Story one (1) month prior to the Event
one (1) post/ Instagram Story one week prior to the Event
three (3) post/ Instagram Stories during the week of the Event
one (1) post/ Instagram Story at the end of the Event
nine (9) post/ Instagram Stories for content from the Team you select during each membership year.


The Player understands and accepts that HEXAGON OPERATIONS and the Teams may enter into commercial arrangements with brands that act in the marketplace as direct competitors to the brands that sponsor him personally, which he accepts and understands. Such a scenario shall not preclude the timely and accurate performance by the Player of all obligations under this Agreement. The Player shall in no event, unless otherwise agreed, be obligated to endorse or be associated with any such sponsors.


Equipment: The Player, unless otherwise agreed with his Team, shall have the right to wear his own kit to compete in the Event and may include the sports brand logo on such kit. Players of the same Team must all be dressed in their team colours. The pair must be matched in colour when playing.

In the event that the Player does not have their own equipment, HEXAGON OPERATIONS, either through its own channels or through the Team, will provide the players with all the sporting apparel for those players to compete in the Event.

‍HEXAGON OPERATIONS shall have the right to include its logo on the players' clothing.

Each Team shall have the right to include the Team name also on the kit.

The rest of the equipment, unless otherwise agreed between HEXAGON OPERATIONS, the Teams and the players, shall be free of trademarks and logos with the exception of the players' caps (or equivalent), where the players may wear their personal sponsorships.

Likewise, the players will be able to dispute the Event having to their free election the own footwear, the paddle racket and the paddle rack. In the event that a player does not have a contract with any brand in any of the aforementioned categories, that is, footwear, padel racket and padel racket, HEXAGON OPERATIONS, either through its own channels or through the Teams themselves, will provide said footwear or sports material to the player in question.

The Players must wear the walking clothes provided by the competition with the Team and HEXAGON CUP logo and the Player's name.



The Player assigns, exclusively, to HEXAGON OPERATIONS and to his corresponding team, the image rights related to his person obtained during the celebration of the Event and Promotional Sports Events or any other promotional acts of the HEXAGON CUP, for his exploitation in any means or support, with advertising, promotional and/or commercial purposes that have relation only with HEXAGON CUP, from the date of the signature of this document and during the duration of the same one.

HEXAGON OPERATIONS commits to respect the physical and moral integrity of the Player, as well as to guarantee that the uses of his image will be in accordance with his dignity and professional prestige.


HEXAGON OPERATIONS undertakes to comply with the data protection regulations applicable at all times and especially to comply with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (‘RGPD’) and Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on Data Protection (‘LOPD’). HEXAGON OPERATIONS undertakes to make proper use of the personal data obtained and processed from the Player as a result of the execution of this Agreement or to which it may have access.

As a consequence of the above, the Player is informed that his personal data will be processed in order to carry out the object of the present Agreement, in particular, to coordinate, manage, advertise and promote the Event. HEXAGON OPERATIONS acknowledges the Player the possibility of exercising his or her rights of access, rectification, suppression, opposition and other rights recognised in the RGPD and the applicable national regulations on data protection, free of charge, at the address indicated in the present Agreement. A complaint regarding the protection of personal data may be filed before the Spanish Data Protection Agency at the address C/ Jorge Juan, 6, 28001 - Madrid, when the Player considers that HEXAGON OPERATIONS has violated the rights recognised by the applicable data protection regulations.

Likewise, it is informed that the Player's personal data could be transferred to third party collaborators or service providers of HEXAGON OPERATIONS.


Player shall not make any press announcements relating to this Agreement or publicise any part of this Agreement in any manner whatsoever, except with the written consent of HEXAGON OPERATIONS.

The terms of this Agreement are confidential between the Parties and shall not be disclosed to any third party without the prior written consent of the Parties.

This obligation does not apply to any information (i) to the extent that a party is required to disclose such information to a court of competent jurisdiction acting under its powers or the rules and regulations of any applicable regulatory authority, but then only to the extent so required; and (ii) that is disclosed to the respective directors, officers, employees, agents and advisors of each party to the extent

extent strictly necessary to evaluate, negotiate and/or advise on the proposal under this Agreement.


This Agreement and any non-contractual rights or obligations arising out of or in connection with them or their subject matter shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Spanish law.

All disputes arising out of or in connection with this proposal or its subject matter or formation shall be finally settled by the Spanish courts in Madrid.